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A Note From Penny Kittle to All Website Visitors

I love hearing from all of the teachers and administrators who reach out to me for help, and I read every one of the messages I receive. I appreciate and am encouraged by your passion.

Unfortunately, due to the high volume of emails I receive (combined with my busy teaching, coaching, writing and travel schedule), I am unable to respond personally to messages asking for advice. I have created this web site to hold reading lists, examples of notebook work, videos of conferences, quick write ideas, mentor texts, etc. which I hope will help you. For more complex questions, I can only offer the books and articles I’ve written. If I respond to all of the emails I receive, I’ll never get the next one written. 


I also receive many requests to share my slideshow presentations. Please understand that I have permission from students (and their parents) to share their images and written work when I speak to teachers. I do not have permission to give you those images or their written work. I am also currently writing a book using much of the work I share in presentations. I appreciate your understanding.


Thank you,

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